3480 pictures

jwsmobile jws at jwsss.com
Thu Oct 8 15:53:01 CDT 2015

On 10/8/2015 1:26 PM, Cindy Croxton wrote:
> See if this will work.
> https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BxqLDyoLYuCKZmNsZlo1U0JyVkE
> <https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BxqLDyoLYuCKZmNsZlo1U0JyVkE&usp=sha
> ring> &usp=sharing
> Some of the pictures are not very good.
There appears to be a Z system in the photos.  Image035.jpg is a photo 
showing the open system bay, and the HMC laptop.  It is beyond critical 
that that laptop be carefully preserved and handled, as that will be the 
difference between junk and possibly turning it on and running it again.

The 3490 numbers refer to the tape library in the image025.jpg.

Please make sure that Dave McGuire has seen this before they destroy 
anything, as he is making a serious effort to restore a couple of 

I think his current system is contemporary with the mainframe hiere.

The 3174-1 is almost certainly a channel attached unit, probably with 
bus / tag to this unit.  I don't know of a conversion to run the 
3174-1's off anything but copper, but there may be escon boxes to be 
preserved that do this if it isn't copper bus / tag cable sets.

I'd love a couple of coax terminals but not the entire lot if possible.  
I have a couple of 3174-63's that one or two would go nicely with for 
Hercules use.

> Cindy
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