Tektronix 4014-1 troubleshooting advice
Simon Claessen
simski at dds.nl
Mon Mar 30 02:08:06 CDT 2015
we have a working 4002a in our museum and I always let it warm up with a
completely illuminated screen for a minute or 5 before clearing the tube
for the first time. that seems to do the trick.
On 27-03-15 06:03, Josh Dersch wrote:
> Hi all --
> Picked up a Tektronix 4014-1 terminal. It's in pretty good shape, nice
> and clean and it's in nearly-working condition except that the storage
> behavior isn't quite right.
> On power-up, write-through doesn't. (That is, characters don't get
> stored to the tube.) Clearing the display via the RESET/PAGE key clears
> a roughly elliptical region in the center of the display but leaves the
> outer edges a mess. The cleared region stores characters properly. You
> can see the overall effect here:
> http://yahozna.dyndns.org/scratch/tek4014/clear.jpg
> After a 2-3 minutes of warming up the area cleared by RESET/PAGE
> increases. I haven't run the terminal long enough to see if it
> eventually completely erases the screen (while the power supply appears
> to be within tolerances, I still need to rebuild/reform it so I'm not
> going to run it too long yet).
> So far everything else seems to be functioning properly, the cursor
> appears properly (and does not write through), input is accepted from
> the keyboard, etc. I've been reading through the service manual on
> Bitsavers and it describes a very in-depth alignment procedure which I'm
> prepared to go through (once I've got the power supplies rebuilt) but I
> thought I'd ask here if this problem rings any bells and if there's
> anything I should immediately suspect or adjust. You guys know
> everything :).
> Thanks as always for the advice,
> Josh
Met vriendelijke Groet,
Simon Claessen
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