PDP-11 with ATX power supply

John Wilson wilson at dbit.com
Mon Mar 9 10:56:18 CDT 2015

On Sun, Mar 08, 2015 at 06:21:31PM -0700, jwsmobile wrote:
>Can you dig up this include file in the source?
>include <p16f84.inc>
>I didn't find it in your /pub/pdp11 or at least not a candidate.
>I saw the binary is there too, but it would be nice to have all the info to
>compile it in one place in case I need it.

p16f84.inc came with the assembler -- I forget whether I was still
using DOS MPASM at that point, or GPASM (the GPLed clone).  Anyway the
PIC-CPU-specific defs are all I was pulling out of there, so whatever
the file is on your assembler is right.  Maybe that's an 8.3.-ified
version of the filename and pic16f84.inc would be the one to use on
Windows or Linux.

John Wilson
D Bit

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