Components Data Books

Sean Caron scaron at
Tue Jun 16 13:01:02 CDT 2015

Mine too! I just love the old paper books versus PDFs ... and I've got a
pretty decent collection of databooks both that I have picked up second
hand, as well as a pretty large chunk of those that my dad acquired over
the course of his engineering career when he was cleaning them out from his
library ... I don't have quite so many ... probably not more than a hundred
in total ... mostly focused on digital but I've got a little bit of
everything; connectors; discrete components; analog; power; telecom; RF ...
if this sort of thing is useful to people, I'd be happy to pitch in with
the effort here, to cover requests for datasheets that aren't available
from the usual sources. I've got a few that might be a bit obscure.



On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 12:30 PM, Mattis Lind <mattislind at> wrote:

> When repairing machines it is some times hard to find the data sheet for a
> particular component.
> Sometimes google hasn't been able to find the the data sheet for me.
> My father worked in the electronics business for his entire career and kept
> a lot of the data books that he received.
> I have compiled a list of them, mostly for my self, so that I somewhat
> easier would find what I look for.
> I publish it here. If  you have searched everywhere (bitsavers , google
> etc) and not got a decent hit and think that one of the data books in my
> fathers archive would help I might be able to assist. No - I am not going
> to scan entire books. But a few pages is OK. The latency might be high
> since the archive is located 100 km away.
> I will add more to the list as time passes. There are quite a big bunch of
> data books left to do an inventory on.
> /Mattis

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