Bob Rosenbloom bobalan at sbcglobal.net
Wed Jun 10 23:16:32 CDT 2015

On 6/10/2015 4:19 PM, Lyle Bickley wrote:
> On Wed, 10 Jun 2015 18:43:51 -0400
> COURYHOUSE at aol.com wrote:
>> Michael  - Many  thanks  for the great  start!
>> Lyle ok added  yours.. neat you have it  working!
>> what is the status of  his other unit that was  sold?
> It's owned by another collector on this list. I suspect they'll add
> their name and 8S S/N here ;)


Mine in serial number 270. It's the one from David Larson listed as 
serial number 303 (that number is the backplane logic number)
Rack Mount, non-original power supply (though the correct DEC supply, 
just not the system's original one). I had it fully running,
there's a youtube video of it, but it now has a memory select logic 
problem. I'll get to it again someday....

Located in Santa Cruz, CA

Bob Rosenbloom

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