accidental post allowance

Jon Elson elson at
Fri Jul 31 20:36:26 CDT 2015

Jay West wrote:
> When I saw his next (and last post), I dug further. His email was on a
> "whitelist" along with all members of cctech. This was a vestige of how the
> old "two lists joined at the hip" was configured. So I had to manually
> remove him from the whitelist, even though he wasn't subscribed. My
> Apologies for the oversight, but I believe it is fixed now.
> Be advised that there is always a chance he's still subscribed under some
> other unknown/non-descript email address. I'll weed them out as they are
> discovered.
Well, that one let us know what sort of guy we're dealing 
with, here.  Seems your deletion of this member was VERY 


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