PDP-8/M restoration project

Vincent Slyngstad vrs at msn.com
Sun Feb 22 15:26:51 CST 2015

From: Mike Ross: Sunday, February 22, 2015 5:29 AM
> For memory you couldn't do much better than this, unless you're hung
> up on original DEC components:
> http://so-much-stuff.com/pdp8/32KOmnibus/32KOmnibus.php
> I believe Vince still has a few sets available.

I don't, actually, which means it's probably time to explore what to 
do about a follow-on.  I've got a couple of folks who've expressed 
interest so far, and I'd need at least a dozen to warrant another 
board order.

> On Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 11:44 AM, Brian L. Stuart wrote:
>> One front panel switch paddle

I've had excellent results with the sintered nylon ("plastic, 
strong and flexible") printed by Shapeways.  I can provide 
design files that should more closely match originals than 
the ones currently on my web site.  (Tose work fine, but
hang a little differently than originals.)


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