Burroughs machines

Nigel Williams nw at retroComputingTasmania.com
Thu Feb 19 18:55:00 CST 2015

On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 6:53 AM, Mark Linimon <linimon at lonesome.com> wrote:
> Speaking of Burroughs ... did any B5500s survive to the present day?

There was a press release in 1978 about one going to The Smithsonian:


We haven't managed to confirm whether it has survived.

I also wonder whether the three x B5500 that went to Czechoslovakia
survived (another went to Moscow). After the fall of the eastern bloc
it was found that a lot of older technology had survived quite well in
former eastern bloc countries. I made several enquiries with people
who grew up in Czech and pinged the technology museum and some
academics but all drew a blank.

The B5500 emulator is quite stable now.


On Burroughs matters, Paul Kimpel has completed an outstanding
emulation for the ElectroData/Burroughs B205.

Tom Sawyer's blog has links to the B205 emulator and many detailed
postings about this machine:


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