Looking for HP/Agilent E2760D cooling system manuals/guides
Joe Lenox
lordofhyphens at gmail.com
Thu Feb 19 13:16:27 CST 2015
Anyone have any scans or is willing to drop them in the post for a
Full story:
Back in 2005-2007, Qualcomm gave our ECE department a used Agilent 83k
tester (F330t). It's basically sat in pieces because there's been no money
to hook it up.
Well, now there is some money floating around to make this happen, and I'm
the poor GA stuck with trying to dig up
I have the service manuals and site prep guides for the mainframe itself,
but HP/Agilent (in its infinite wisdom) broke out the cooling unit
requirements (as in whether or not we need chilled water or even the gpm)
into its own manual! We have the E2760D L/L (liquid/liquid) unit.
It looks like the manual # is E2760-91001. Any other related manuals would
also be helpful.
"Nothing unreal exists." - Kiri-kin-tha's First Law of Metaphysics.
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