TSX Plus...

Jerome H. Fine jhfinedp3k at compsys.to
Mon Feb 16 09:22:40 CST 2015

 >Earl Evans wrote:

>>On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 8:11 PM, Lyle Bickley <lbickley at bickleywest.com>
>>After stating that I expected TSX Plus to be available generally to the
>>collector community this week, I have had a number of folks request
>>access to TSX plus via private FTP.
>>Please be a bit patient and wait for me to post it to a new website I'm
>>in the process of creating. I now have full agreement from S&H to
>>generally release TSX Plus, COBOL, etc., to the collector community via
>>a simple download.
>After a bit of a hiatus with the PDP-11, I'm getting back into it.
>Wondering if there's any update on this? Would be great to see the TSX Plus
>bits and documentation you've collected, especially considering your work
>with S&H to pave the way.
Since TSX-Plus and RT-11 are closely related, I am also interested.

I am curious. Will V6.05 of the binary distribution be made available?

Will any version of the commented source code be made available?
The last time there was any mention of the commented source code
files, I understand they had been OCRd, but not converted to text
acceptable to MACRO-11.  Has this status changed?  Also, I seem
to remember that the commented source code files were from V6.03,
not form V6.05 of TSX-Plus.  Has that status changed?

Jerome Fine

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