Looking for RSTS/E and RSX-11 Software

Johnny Billquist bqt at update.uu.se
Sat Feb 14 03:36:41 CST 2015

On 2015-02-14 10:23, Johnny Billquist wrote:
> On 2015-02-14 03:33, Christian Gauger-Cosgrove wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I'm looking for some good demonstration/fun software to run on my demo
>> RSX-11/M+ and RSTS/E systems.
>> I don't much mind what the software is so anything that can be
>> provided I'll probably find useful. In particular I'm looking for some
>> games. If it's of any consequence, I'm using RSX-11/M+ 4.6 BL87 and
>> RSTS/E 10.1-L.
>> Also, does anyone know if there's any other archives that have copies
>> of the RSTS/E and RSX-11 layered products than the Trailing Edge FTP?
>> (Particularly I'm interesting in getting DEC C on RSX-11/M+, but if I
>> recall correctly the tape image on the aforementioned archive is
>> corrupted. Also I'm looking for the WPS package for RSTS/E.)
>> Thank you to any who respond!
> There are plenty of games around.
> I wrote a Z-machine implementation many years ago. ZEMU. You can find it
> on ftp://ftp.update.uu.se//pub/pdp11. Then you have lots of games for
> that to download. It definitely works on RSX and RT-11, and it might
> work on RSTS/E too. Otherwise I gladly take patches. :-)
> There is plenty of games and other programs from DECUS. Check out more
> parts of the Update ftp site.
> A bunch of tapes on trailing-edge are corrupted, sadly enough. The one
> that upsets me the most is the BASIC+2 V2.7 tape for RSX. If anyone have
> a clue of somewhere else to find one, I'd be most interested. Much else
> have been preserved, but I'm hesitant to make anything available at this
> time, as we still have the question about the legality of it all.
> If someone have a good connection at HP to help solve *that* issue, it
> would be even better.
> People who are interested in games for RSX might also want to check out
> MIM::SYS$GAMES: (if you are on HECnet). If you have an RSX system with
> TCP/IP, you might also try ftp://madame.update.uu.se/ with the username
> "games".

By the way, other noteworthy RSX games: MTREK, available from DECUS, is 
a multiuser StarTrek game.

I also started writing on a clone of CONQUEST. I played a version on VMS 
many years ago, and a few years ago I decided to write a clone for RSX. 
I came as far as getting spaceships flying, the planet physics working, 
all screen handling done and the game daemon running, and you can 
communicate between users and so on. But none of the action is there. So 
you can't really kill each other, or take over planets yet. Development 
is suspended until I have some time and inspiration. I have too many 
projects (as usual). But for people who log in to MIM, they can check it 
out by typing CNQ.
It's pretty much all written in C, and if someone wants a copy, just let 
me know.

I have a version of DUNGEON, which is newer than anything from DECUS for 
RSX as well.

And from DECUS, you also have some languages and tools, but that hardly 
looks impressive if you want to demo the system. For a quickie, few 
things beats RMD though. :-)


Johnny Billquist                  || "I'm on a bus
                                   ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt at softjar.se             ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive!                     ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

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