Crowdfunding for history book

js at js at
Wed Feb 11 16:28:14 CST 2015

On 2/11/2015 11:42 AM, Kelly Leavitt wrote:
>> Your experience compared to the Real Guys on this list (of which I don't qualify to rank as either)
>> barely qualifies you as anything, much less a "talking head" for vintage computing.  You're a talking
>> head for MARCH.  That's it.
> Knowing history and how to write about it does not mean you have created it or even experienced it.  Many of the "Real Guys" I have dealt with on and off this list are egoists that need regular stroking. Who better to write about your history than someone that knows how to research.
> Kelly

Kelly, you're a member of MARCH, 
right?   Just wanting that context clear.

"Mobile Computing" is not my history, 
but I agree with you, that if it were, a 
historian / researcher / journalist 
would be the wise choice to write it.   
But if I were part an investor in that 
venture, then I would also want a share 
of the profits from the book.  Not sure 
if crowdsourcing provides that.

- J.

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