It's time to restore the 11/45 - progress!

Jacob Ritorto jacob.ritorto at
Fri Feb 6 16:20:22 CST 2015

On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 3:14 PM, tony duell <ard at> wrote:
> I think you need to read some more general books on electronics too. I am
> not
> sure what to recomend here (and of course suggestions are welcome). I do
> like
> 'The Art of Electronics' by Horrowitz and Hill, it does start from a basic
> level, but
> it may be rather heavy going at the start. It's still a book to consider
> (and probably
> buy), since you won't grow out of it. But there may be other inttoductory
> books to
> look at.
> -tony

Hey, thanks for the advice and encouragement, Tony.  With my learning
style, I'm kind of enamored with online classes these days - my son's
taking Harvard CS50 (and totally "getting it," at age eleven, btw) and I'm
awaiting Georgetown's Dante/Purgtatorio, which doesn't start for a while.
Just did a quick little search on and found:

Do you think either of those would be a good start?  One better than the
other?  Or should I really just be shopping books?


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