[SPOILERS] Re: Targeting Computers in X wing fighters.

Fred Cisin cisin at xenosoft.com
Thu Dec 31 21:10:00 CST 2015

On Thu, 31 Dec 2015, jwsmobile wrote:
> Some people are waiting for the nuts to quit filing theaters. Please don't 
> discuss w/o a warning as Al placed on the line (or if someone else did, I've 
> not gotten that message).
> It is ill mannered at best.

But, I probably won't see it for a few years, until it reaches TV.
Theater captioning is rarely adequate)

One quick [non-spoiler?] question:  Is it a remake?  Or is it another in 
the "series"?  (if so, earlier? later?)

I've seen some lousy remakes of good movies, and then the original is 
virtually never seen again.  OTOH, there have been SOME OK remakes that 
were better than mediocre movies they were based on.  I just wish that 
remakes would have some sort of designation in the title that makes the 
original and the remake differentiable by more than copyright date.
When is the "Casablanca" remake due out?

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