
rod rodsmallwood52 at btinternet.com
Thu Dec 3 19:47:16 CST 2015

Hi Tony
            Thats interesting I had thought about a model makers lathe.
I have a pillar drill and  the usual set of tools.

I did start out as a mechanical engineer and  my
top subjects at school were metalwork and technical drawing.
My metalwork master put me in for those subjects in GCE a
year early ie 15 instead of 16.

I duly passed and come September and the first metalwork
class and I'm already to go.

The teacher pounces on me an asks me where the hell do I think I'm going.
You passed didn't you? Yes says I.  So I got excused  school one 
afternoon a week.
Shucks.. My favorite lessons and I couldn't go!!!

I only changed to electronics for reasons beyond my control.

It looks like a visit to Machine Mart may be coming up.

On 03/12/15 17:32, tony duell wrote:
>> Hi
>>       Well it certainly works for you Rik.
>> I dont speak Dutch and its not clear exactly which of the products you
>> refer to.
>> The end of hub appears to have been turned on a lathe.
>> So if you speak Dutch and have a nice big lathe in your shed you can fix
>> your TU58
> Surely you don't need a big lathe. A small lathe, a Unimat,
> a Taig/Peatol, etc would be easily big enough to make hubs for the TU58.
> I hate to say it, but IMHO if you are restoring a classic computer which needs
> significant mechanical work (drive rollers, pulleys, spacers, tapped bushes, etc)
> then access to an engineer's lathe (and the ability to use it) is almost essential.
> -tony

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