Sales of unearthed Atari games total more than $100,000

ethan at ethan at
Mon Aug 31 09:40:35 CDT 2015

As a kid that grew up with the Atari 2600 as my first system, I played ET 
a fair bit. I know it gets all the hate, but yea, when I first saw Donkey 
Kong on the 2600 I literally had a tear or two roll down, it was that bad. 
Christmas morning and the excitement and yea, maybe this one is defective 
I thought. Maybe it's stuck in black and white. Yes. I know Coleco was 
pimping their own system (Which was my 2nd console system) and I realize 
that people went back and remade Donkey Kong on the 2600 so it wasn't 
quite as bad.

On the flip side, there are some games on the 2600 that are just so good 
with the limited hardware. Frogs and Flies, a very very good game. Of 
course Pitfall II is the one that pushes it to the limits, but I never had 
that one.

ET was not the best but not that worst. I'll never forget when I finally 
got picked up by the spaceship or whatever. I was really young so really 
didn't know what I was doing.

Ethan O'Toole

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