9-Track 1/2" Tape Drive Recommendations?

Chuck Guzis cclist at sydex.com
Mon Aug 24 20:43:29 CDT 2015

On 08/24/2015 05:31 PM, steve shumaker wrote:

> Actually, with a little digging on DTIC I found another reference
> 9actaully several - the full manual is there -  and ended up on NTIS
>  which shows it *still* available although when you click the link
> the product number gives an error and suggests you contact customer
> service:.....     Al?
> https://ntrl.ntis.gov/NTRL/dashboard/searchResults.xhtml?searchQuery=ADA024912

Thanks for that--I ran into that one too.

Considering that it's listed as a 9 track tape, how likely do you think 
that the good souls at NTIS even know what the heck that is--much less 
being able to provide it?


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