Shugart 800-8 media centering problem

Chuck Guzis cclist at
Sat Aug 15 11:59:36 CDT 2015

I went and stared at some of my 8" drives for a bit this morning.

It occurs to me that if your top guide frame is laterally "warped", the 
centering of the hub clamp assembly won't work.

If you've got a wiggler gauge handy, you may want to see what the 
deviation is when the hub clamp mates with the spindle hub assembly. 
While you're at it, you may want to check the spindle hub itself to see 
if it's not out-of-round.

There's a patent 3,898,814 on the Shugart clamping system that many 
manufacturers licensed.  Perhaps it can shed some light.


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