Booting an IBM MP 3000 S/390 System
Guy Sotomayor
ggs at
Thu Aug 6 22:08:20 CDT 2015
Is it really "bigger" than the MP3000 or is just a repackaged MP2000
where there
is no emulated I/O?
My MP3000 in addition to 2 72GB Raid-5 arrays has 2 ethernet interfaces,
2 parallel channel
attach points and 2 ESCON channel attach points.
I'm also jealous that you have a 3279 terminal. I've been looking for
3278s and/or 3279s
and haven't found any (except for the ridiculously priced 3278 on ebay
right now).
TTFN - Guy
On 8/6/15 7:11 PM, Mike Ross wrote:
> If you want to see how it works on bigger iron, here's a rare beast
> indeed: my Application Starterpak 3000 - internal IBM codename
> 'Warthog'. A real S/390 in a half-height chassis. First video is a
> power-up; let it play to the end and it segues into the next video,
> IPLing the beast!
> Cheers
> Mike
> On Fri, Aug 7, 2015 at 6:43 AM, Guy Sotomayor <ggs at> wrote:
>> On 8/6/15 11:05 AM, Eric Christopherson wrote:
>>> On Thu, Aug 6, 2015 at 12:41 PM, Guy Sotomayor <ggs at> wrote:
>>>> Back to the MP 3000. There are a number of CPUs in the box. Two are the
>>>> most
>>>> obvious: the SBC running OS/2 and the actual S/390 CPU. However, there
>>>> is
>>>> another
>>>> S/390 CPU in the box as well. It is not visible (at least directly) to
>>>> S/W.
>>>> It is responsible
>>>> for providing the high performance I/O capabilities (like native disk
>>>> access
>>>> and making
>>>> them appear as conventional channel attached devices instead of RAID-5
>>>> SSA
>>>> drives).
>>>> The OS/2 SBC is there to emulate some of the slower devices (card
>>>> reader/punch,
>>>> direct attached 3270s, etc).
>>> So the OS/2 computer is actually a component of the mainframe's
>>> control processor, not a separate PC?
>> In various other S/390 and z/Series machines, there is a laptop that is the
>> "service element" with
>> special S/W (now I think on Linux). On the MP3000, it is a single board
>> computer that is on what
>> looks like a big PCI card. By it's nature it is hooked into various parts
>> of the MP3000 system through
>> the various other things that sit on the PCI bus. Note that the PCI bus is
>> shared between the SBC
>> and the other parts of the MP3000.
>> If you don't fire up the system element software the OS/2 system would
>> appear as a somewhat
>> "normal" PC with a bunch of special device drivers.
>> There's a great diagram (too complicated to reproduce in ASCII art) that
>> illustrates all of the major
>> components in the MP3000. It's located in the IBM Redbook "Multiprise 3000
>> Technical Introduction".
>> It's Figure 1 on page 8 of the redbook. This is a really great introduction
>> on the MP3000.
>> TTFN - Guy
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