Visual Basic Question

Douglas Taylor dj.taylor4 at
Tue Apr 21 09:18:45 CDT 2015

I have a software driver for an old scientific instrument that is 
described in a brief manual this way:

"The acquisition driver is a tool that allows developers to write their 
own Windows based programs that
can acquire data from any Michelson series spectrometer. The programs 
can be developed with any
programming environment that supports calling standard Windows 16bit 
DLLs. Examples of such
environments are Visual Basic and Visual C++ from Microsoft ( up to 
version 1.5 ), Delphi and C++
from Borland, Labview from National instruments. This document assumes 
that the reader is familiar
with all the concepts surrounding DLLs and Windows programming. It is a 
reference guide that explains
the parameters of the functions that make up the Bomem acquisition 
driver and how they are used to
acquire data."

I recently purchased Visual Basic 4.0 Standard Edition, but the first 
pages of the reference indicate that it is a 32 bit only version.

Which version of Visual Basic will allow me to call this driver?

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