Reading a CD that has no reflective layer

Antonio Carlini a.carlini at
Fri Nov 21 14:15:10 CST 2014

On 20/11/14 15:35, Peter Coghlan wrote:
> The pictures all depict exactly what I have here. It is possible to 
> just about make out the little slider control in some of them but 
> there is nothing to explain what it is for or even acknowledge it's 
> existance. I'm intrigued. The owners manual seems to suggest that 
> these CD things are far too delicate to be handled and each should 
> live permanently in it's own dedicated caddy :-) Regards, Peter Coghlan. 

I guess that it's part of the weird loading mechanism. It's been a 
number of years since I've tried to
use my RRD40, but iirc, you slip the disc into the "antlers" and then 
slide that into the plastic caddy.

That whole caboodle is then inserted into the RRD40. The internal 
mechanism somehow grabs the antlers+disc
and what you pull out is an empty caddy. To retrieve the disc, you 
insert the empty caddy into the drive and
out it comes with the antlers+disc.

Manually removing the disc from the caddy involves squeezing the antlers 
to free them somehow.

I *think* the idea was that your discs would each live permanently in a 
caddy or inside a drive. Removing
the disc from the caddy was quite clunky, iirc.

So I presume the extra tabs and sliders and whatnot are there for the 
drive to do its magic.


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