OT : Chassis punches

tony duell ard at p850ug1.demon.co.uk
Tue Dec 16 14:49:28 CST 2014

> > Given that the spec of the plain Greenlee punch I am looking at
> > (without any mention of the hydraulic add-on) exceeds what I want to
> > do with it, I am guessing I can save the money here. -tony

> Is there some reason not to buy the punches first and then only buy the
> hydraulic add-on if it turns out you need it?

None at all, and this is what I probably will do. As I mentioned elsewhere
the spec of the basic punch (which I assume applies when it is used with 
the drawbolt/nut tightened with a spanner) exceeds what I want to do with
it so I am guessing IO don't need the hydraulic driver

> The only difference would be paying two lots of postage wouldn't it?

Not even that. I think I can collect it from a trade counter in London, so it's
just a matter of a second trip. 

However I shall wait until the new year, Around now orders tend to get 
misplaced, etc...


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