Aquarius (was Re: Apple 1)

Ethan O'Toole ethan at
Mon Jun 15 08:25:20 CDT 2020

> Actually, Al was hired as an Apple Fellow in 1985. His first project was 
> "Trojan" a 68000 mac on an ISA card that mixed EGA and square pixel Mac 
> video. I was the Mac-side programmer on the project. Marketing killed it 
> before it got from ATG to product development.

That is wild! That would have been an interesting product.

> The justification for the Cray was to experiment with what could be done 
> if you had a Macintosh with the power of a Cray. It had a pretty fancy 
> frame buffer attached to it and some pretty sophisticated anti-aliased 
> rendering was produced.

Frame buffer attached to Cray? Or Mac with a fancy framebuffer and 
offloading to the Cray? Pretty wild.

> About the only video I know that escaped from Valley Green 3 was the 
> title and end credits for "Pencil Test" which weren't produced on a Mac, 
> they were done on the Cray (I was the person responsible for pulling all 
> of the frame sequences together from the Mac II distributed render farm 
> and generating the D1 tape).

: Ethan O'Toole

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