Mounting HP7970e 9-Trk 1/2" Tape Drive

Chuck Guzis cclist at
Mon Feb 11 13:42:11 CST 2019

On 2/11/19 10:48 AM, Tapley, Mark via cctalk wrote:

> Jack, this looks like a pretty good idea in the short term. But, every piece of concrete I have ever been associated with has been off-gassing water at a slow rate. I have stored wood face-down on concrete enough times that I should know better, and it has always been ruined - rotted - by constant exposure to that water off-gassing. The wood traps the water (which would normally have no problem evaporating, because it is a very slow rate) which then rots the wood. Now whenever I store wood flat, I put bricks or something between it and the concrete so there is an air-gap.
> Unless there is a pretty impermeable water barrier between the plywood and the concrete, I would say that solution is not trustable for more than about 6 months of service at the outside. Even if there is, I would check pretty often around the bolt holes, because I think the bolts penetrated the barrier and the wood around the bolts will be rotten soon.
> Comments and corrections most welcome from anyone who has more experience, of course; YMMV and I Am Not a Carpenter…

Yup, the first thing done to the concrete floor of my shop was to apply
a sealer, then a layer of mastic and vinyl tile. (tile, not sheet goods,
as it's simple to replace a damaged tile).  It's held up well for almost
30 years, with no trace of moisture damage here in the soggy Pacific

The concrete walls were similarly isolated with a layer of 30 lb.
roofing telt, with an insulated stud wall and sheetrock over it.


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