FS: various books, including some old/classic/vintage

MG marcogb at xs4all.nl
Tue Oct 2 11:00:23 CDT 2018

Anyone interested in the following books? 

   "OpenVMS with Apache, OSU, and WASD: The Nonstop Webserver"
      (Alan Winston, Digital Press, 2003, 454 p.) 

   "Teach Yourself COBOL in 24 Hours" 
      (Thane Hubbell, SAMS, 1999, 477 p., incl. unused and
      unopened CD-ROM) 

   "TRS-80 Assembly Language Programming"
      (William Barden Jr., Radio Shack/Tandy Corp., 1979, 224 p.) 

   "Assembly Language Programming for the TRS-80 Model 16"
      (Dan Keen & Dave Dischert, Tab Books, 1984, 184 p.) 

   "ASP in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference"
      (A. Keyton Weissinger, O'Reilly, 1999) 

Some other books can be seen here: <https://bit.ly/2CNOX5y>, also
some other computer and related items here: <https://bit.ly/2zMycbL>. 

All is located in the Netherlands.  On Friday they will be thrown
if nobody is interested. 

 - MG 

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