DEC PDP 11 RK05 DEC custom (?) bootstrap board

Paul Koning paulkoning at
Thu Aug 30 12:01:16 CDT 2018

> On Aug 30, 2018, at 10:52 AM, Bill Degnan via cctalk <cctalk at> wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 30, 2018, 8:18 AM Noel Chiappa via cctalk <cctalk at>
> wrote:
>>> From: Bill Degnan
>>> I am curious how I'd attempt to use one of these. Any thoughts?
>> I'd start by dumping and disassembling.
>> (If you need something to find out where in memory they are, I have
>> a register discovery program that sweeps the I/O page and lists all
>> locations that respond. It's probably 173xxx though, that's the
>> DEC-allocated spare for ROM.)
>>        Noel
> Thank you.  In theory I could compare/contrast with m9312 rom for rk05,
> look for commonalities

Sure, or just reverse engineer it.  A classic RK05 bootstrap is only a few instructions long -- the original ROM array bootstrap supports not just RK05 but also RF11, RC11, and TC11 in just 16 words of code.


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