Introducing myself and VAXstation 3100 help needed

Glen Slick glen.slick at
Fri Jan 22 12:18:46 CST 2016

On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 9:54 AM, william degnan <billdegnan at> wrote:
> What version MicroVAX 3100?  Is it possible to remove some RAM but not all,
> try again?

I think it was mentioned earlier that it was a KA42 version, so either
a KA42-A VAXstation M30 in a BA42-A box or an M40 in a BA42-B box. Or
maybe a KA42-B VAXstation M38 or M48.

A VAXstation M76 should have an M76 badge on the front and would be a
KA43 version.

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