360/50 microcode listing

William Donzelli wdonzelli at gmail.com
Fri May 8 10:42:43 CDT 2015

Yes, a thief *would* come in and steal the things - at least the cards.

When I was shopping for a building for my collection, I had the scrap metal
thieves in mind. I am not so worried about it now, as I live at the place
now and have taken several steps to beef up security, but for a time, my
fear was that someone would, for example, grab a armful of cards out of a
Cyber, instantly turning the machine into a chrome donut. Where would I get

On May 8, 2015 11:29 AM, "Noel Chiappa" <jnc at mercury.lcs.mit.edu> wrote:

>     > From: William Donzelli
>     > We, the big iron collectors, do not share this information on any
> sort
>     > of registry. We are a secretive bunch.
> Why is that, can I ask? I mean, it's not like a thief's going to come in
> and
> steal the thing (which is indeed the reason why collectors in other areas
> are
> often secretive) - it would take a truck and a crane, for most models!
>     > From: Liam Proven
>     > Have you read Lawrence Wilkison's account of rescuing an S360/20 in
> NZ
>     > when he was a student?
> Cool story; thanks for the link - but the page says it was a 360/30. (The
> smallest 'real' 360 - the 360/20 was a lobotomized 'sorta' 360/.)
>         Noel

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