MSV11-R doc needed

Noel Chiappa jnc at
Wed May 6 15:23:24 CDT 2020

Hi, I'm looking for documentation on the MSV11-R; there's next to nothing
online. (An -11/84 manual gives config, but that's all I cam find.) There is
an 'MSV11-R User Guide' (EK-MSV1R-UG), but it's not online; I don't suppose
anyone out there has one?

I'm trying to confirm an online report that it's a PMI card; if so, I want to
put a warning on the CHWiki page for it, to warn people not to plug it into a
Q/Q backplane. (I have one, and did try it back when I first got it, but I
don't recall if I knew it might be a PMI card at the time! I'm too
lazy/low-energy to get my Q/CD machine running so I can plug it in and see if
it still works. :-)

Given the size of the card, and the amount of non-memory logic, compared to
the MSV11-M and MSV11-Q, I would tend to suspect it is a PMI card, but it
would be good to find some DEC docs to confirm it.


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