Looking for a document regarding PDP8

Len Shustek len at shustek.com
Fri Apr 17 16:48:42 CDT 2020

At 10:00 AM 4/17/2020, Bob Smith <bobsmithofd at gmail.com> wrote:
>...I believe sometime in the late 70s, maybe as late as 1980, a prof
>associated with UMass wrote a paper describing an extension of the
>PDP8 called 8/X or 8X.
>...I believe, my memory is fuzzy, that it was a prof nnmed Stone or
>Stoner (perhaps Harold S) who lead the effort and had his name on the

That is probably Harold S. Stone, whom I knew as a Stanford prof in 
the early 1970s and did some corporate consulting with. Brilliant 
guy. From 1974 to 1984 he was at UMass Amherst, so your memory isn't 
fuzzy at all. He also worked at the IBM Yorktown Heights research 
center. He was the author of several books and many papers about 
computer architecture, algorithms, and interfaces.

Unfortunately I don't remember him working on a PDP-8 extension, and 
a quick search of the ACM Digital Library turned up nothing. As far 
as I know he's still alive at the age of 82. 

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