OT Parts houses & scrappers

William Donzelli wdonzelli at gmail.com
Sat Jan 26 19:02:46 CST 2019

> I would think knowing a minimum scrap value plus some reasonable
> handling fees would be for things when conducting such deals.

With that attitude, you will lose a lot more deals than you win.

You have to beat scrap price by a *substantial* amount. You need to
convince the dealer (or scrapper) to do something that is not routine
- business runs on routine. You also need to make it worthwhile to get
around any prearranged relationship a dealer might have with a
scrapper, or a scrapper with a mill or refiner. And you need to show
the dealer that you are serious about buying - something we collectors
have managed to screw up for the past...forever.

Don't be a cheapskate, basically.


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