HP 85 tapes

Paul Berger phb.hfx at gmail.com
Tue Feb 26 20:22:51 CST 2019

On 2019-02-26 9:07 a.m., Christian Corti via cctalk wrote:
> On Tue, 26 Feb 2019, Christian Corti wrote:
>> And what about SECUREd files? I'm thinking of a binary program that 
>> ideally dumps the cartridge to e.g a single floppy disk file. I've 
>> done something similarly for the IBM 5110, but I'm no HP 85 expert at 
>> all.
>> There's quite a large HP community, I can't imagine that nobody has 
>> attempted that before.
> Meanwhile, I've found this:
> http://www.biblewitness.org/technical/HP_Series-80/HP-85/ASSM/TAPDUPS.TXT
> But I have no idea what it does. It sounds interesting, though. Any HP 
> 85 experts here who can comment on this program?
> Christian

Well a quick google and I found this 
http://vintagecomputers.site90.net/hp85/hp9915_eprom.htm it would seem 
that this was one of the tools used to build images of programs to burn 
into EPROMs for  9915 which is a version of the 85 designed to be used 
as an embedded controller.


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