'Inside Macintosh' books

Sean Caron scaron at diablonet.net
Wed May 18 13:15:54 CDT 2016

On Wed, 18 May 2016, Fred Cisin wrote:

> On Wed, 18 May 2016, Sean Caron wrote:
>> There were two printings of Inside Macintosh; the original printing was, I 
>> believe, a six or seven-volume set over time ...
> More than two printings.
> The first version was originally looseleaf. (4? volumes)  Distributed to the 
> "Certified Developer" program.
> Later, it was redone and released semi-commercially in "Perfect" 
> (paperback/phonebook) binding, and marketed through a publisher.
> A set of those (4? volumes) was the last thing that I got from them as a 
> certifiable developer.
> I later heard of a CD-ROM.
> --
> Grumpy Ol' Fred     		cisin at xenosoft.com

I need to remember I can't play fast and loose with my wording when I send 
posts to the list ;)

While there were multiple printings, it falls out that there are basically 
two major editions of Inside Macintosh; the early edition that was written 
more chronologically, and the later edition that was organized by sections 
of the Macintosh Toolbox.

I believe there are other printings yet; my volumes one through five come 
in big 4" looseleaf binders, all official from Apple. My volume six is a 
plain bound edition ... not sure if it was ever available in looseleaf 
(probably, but why spend a lifetime looking?)

The CD-ROM edition is the later Inside Macintosh and it is readily found 
on the Web. I believe Macintosh Garden has it. All volumes on the CD-ROM 
were provided as PDF documents so it's all still quite readable on modern 



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