Beam-penetration color CRT, Tektronix DAS 912x (was Re: Nice LAB11 brochure.)

Eric Smith spacewar at
Sun May 8 12:56:48 CDT 2016

On May 8, 2016 10:45 AM, "Jon Elson" <elson at> wrote:
> There is a LOT of Tek logic analyzer gear on eBay.  Some of it goes
fairly cheap, the older it is the cheaper.
> You can likely find the right acq modules within a month.  The 91xx is
REALLY old, too, so should cost more to ship the modules than the price for
the units themselves.

The Tektronix DAS 9100 logic analyzer isn't old! Now my HP 5000A logic
analyzer, THAT is old!

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