MEM11A status update

Tom Uban uban at
Wed Apr 27 09:47:17 CDT 2016


I am ultimately interested in your UMF11. Will the MEM11A have any
potential for expandability? Is there a perf area on the board? Any
expansion connectors? Can it be re-programmed by the end user (will
source be available)?


Tom Uban

On 4/26/16 4:52 PM, Guy Sotomayor wrote:
> Just to let folks know that I just received the prototype boards for the MEM11A (FedEx just left).
> The boards look great!  The parts from Digikey arrived late last week, so once I get my soldering
> station set up (new microscope and new Metcal soldering iron) I’ll start to build a couple of boards
> to test out.  Once I have a couple working *and* I get firm orders for at least 25 boards (hint, hint)
> I’ll do a production run.
> TTFN  - Guy

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