ESR Meter Recommendations

TeoZ teoz at
Tue Sep 29 17:34:40 CDT 2015

Never used one on a power supply but for motherboard capacitors and misc 
parts they work fine. For the price they are worth having around.

-----Original Message----- 
From: Ken Seefried
Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2015 5:24 PM
To: cctalk at
Subject: ESR Meter Recommendations

I'm going to be working on my 11/730s power supply, so I'm in the
market for an ESR meter.  I've seen some (older) recommendations for
the AnaTek 'Blue' and various 'Dick Smith' derivatives.  However, eBay
is flooded with knockoff Mega328 based ESR/Transistor/SCR/etc. testers
all looking like:

Anyone had any experience with one of these devices?


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