RT11 / RSTS-E games

John H. Reinhardt johnhreinhardt at yahoo.com
Fri May 8 10:27:18 CDT 2015

On 5/7/2015 12:40 PM, John Many Jars wrote:
> Anyone got any RT11/RSTS-E games?  I'm back on with my project to recreate
> the PDP-11 that I goofed around with when I was a kid.  (Its accessible via
> the bbs... bbs.cortex-media.info 4223)
> I have 2.52 version of Dungeon, and a version of Star Trek.  Anyone got
> anything else?
> I'm still looking for Oregon Software Pascal as well...
> Thanks!
> Mark

This is more in the vein of RSTS/E and VAX-11 games but does anyone have a copy of the Dan Lawrence DND?  It used to be hosted on <http://dnd.lunaticsworld.com/> but that site's server crashed and the files were lost and the ownder did not allow the Wayback to archive it.

I wasted so much time on that at school at Rose-Hulman.  A Rose student also did a lot of modifications to our copy. I had a tape with it once but it was destroyed by accident.

Please contact me if you have or know where any versions might be available.  Thanks!

John H. Reinhardt

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