MicroVax II in original DEC Rack on Ann Arbor MI Craigslist

Sean Caron scaron at umich.edu
Thu Mar 12 16:14:55 CDT 2015

I live in Ann Arbor (well, Ypsilanti) and I've been tracking that thing on
eBay for at least a year or so... nine months? I figure, if I ever see the
listing disappear, I will try to catch the seller on the way to the scrap
yard, ha ha... I think they would have better luck if they parted it out;
nobody wants to take that rack; I would gladly take the BA23 local pickup
and I'd even offer them like $100 or something for it separately but I
don't want the rest... They could probably get a decent price for the
9-track drive if they pulled that and sold it separately... they are likely
never going to move the gear (outside of paying someone to come pick it up)
unless they ditch the rack.

If anyone here is interested in the deal; I'm happy to facilitate as much
as I can but my garage has got enough racks in it already, LOL.



On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 4:22 PM, Steven Landon <slandon110 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thought id share this with you guys.
> http://annarbor.craigslist.org/sys/4913726464.html
> He says his bottom dollar is $250.
> I could possibly coordinate pick up if someone out of the area wanted it.
> Just cover my gas is all I ask.
> Steve

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